#2-Sport Edition Wheels and Tires
Sport Edition Wheels and Tires Good rubber lug pattern unknow tire size 225/50r17

Sport Edition Wheels and Tires Good rubber lug pattern unknow tire size 225/50r17
Sale featuring Hobart and Lincoln Welders, Cambell Air Compressor, Shop Fans, Heaters, Ridgid Tools and more
sold as-Is
Items will sell 3 lots per minute!
Feel free to contact Braydon Barber (740)777-8816 to schedule an early pick up time. If you do not receive an invoice, please check your junk/spam folder as they sometimes are sent there.
15% Buyers Premium
Payment must be made in full by the end of the stated primary auction pick-up time.
All Major Credit Cards, Cash, and Good Checks are accepted. Check-in with cashier upon arrival. All Sales Are Final
All Property is Offered As-Is
Auction is an Absolute Auction starting at $1 bid.
United States
Primary Pickup Location: Marysville, Ohio 43040
Primary Pickup Date & Time: Thursday, February 6th from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Barber Auction Company is licensed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and is bonded in favor of the State of Ohio. An aggrieved person may initiate a claim against the firm’s bond in accordance with Section 4707.16 of the Revised Code as a result of the licensee’s actions. Ohio Department of Agriculture
8995 E. Main Street, Bldg. 1
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068